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When manually running these DDLs, begin with the 2.2.0 DDLs, followed by 2.3.0, 2.5.0 and lastly 2.7.0.

JDBC Database DDLs

MySql for Cycle version 2.2.0 (Run first)

CREATE TABLE cycle_test_execution ( execution_id varchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_start_ts datetime(3) NOT NULL, cycle_user varchar(100) NOT NULL, cycle_version varchar(100) NOT NULL, hardware_id varchar(100) NOT NULL, computer_username varchar(100) NOT NULL, os varchar(100) NOT NULL, invoker varchar(100) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (execution_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

CREATE TABLE cycle_execution_results ( execution_id varchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, parent_node_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, sending_node_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, node_sequence int(11) NOT NULL, node_type varchar(100) NOT NULL, block_type varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, status varchar(100) NOT NULL, message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, error_message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, file_uri TEXT DEFAULT NULL, start_line int(11) DEFAULT NULL, end_line int(11) DEFAULT NULL, data_file_path TEXT DEFAULT NULL, worker_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, tags TEXT DEFAULT NULL, step_id varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, delay_start_time datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, start_time datetime(3) NOT NULL, end_time datetime(3) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (execution_id,node_id), CONSTRAINT FK_cycle_execution_results FOREIGN KEY (execution_id) REFERENCES cycle_test_execution (execution_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; CREATE INDEX cycle_node_type_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (node_type) USING BTREE;; CREATE INDEX cycle_parent_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,parent_node_id) USING BTREE;; CREATE INDEX cycle_sending_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,sending_node_id) USING BTREE;;

CREATE VIEW cycle_execution_view AS SELECT test.execution_id, test.cycle_user, test.os, test.computer_username, test.hardware_id, test.cycle_version, as group_name, cyc_group.data_file_path, worker.worker_name, dtl.node_id, dtl.node_type,, dtl.block_type, dtl.tags, dtl.status, dtl.message, dtl.error_message, dtl.file_uri, dtl.start_line, dtl.end_line, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time, CEIL((dtl.end_time - dtl.start_time) * 1000) as duration, CEIL((dtl.end_time - dtl.delay_start_time) * 1000) as duration_with_delay, dtl.node_sequence from cycle_test_execution as test join cycle_execution_results as dtl on test.execution_id = dtl.execution_id and node_type not in ('Group','GroupTest','ConditionalBlock','ConditionalExpression') left join (select execution_id, node_id, parent_node_id, sending_node_id, worker_name from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Feature') as worker on dtl.execution_id = worker.execution_id and dtl.sending_node_id = worker.node_id left join (select execution_id, node_id, name, data_file_path from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Group') as cyc_group on worker.execution_id = cyc_group.execution_id and worker.parent_node_id = cyc_group.node_id;

MySql for Cycle version 2.3.0 (Run second)

CREATE TABLE cycle_image ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL, image LONGBLOB, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ; CREATE TABLE cycle_image_results ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id varchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, template_file TEXT, template_image_id varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, screenshot_image_id varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, found_image BOOL DEFAULT NULL, min_value DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, max_value DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, min_location_x int(11) DEFAULT NULL, min_location_y int(11) DEFAULT NULL, max_location_x int(11) DEFAULT NULL, max_location_y int(11) DEFAULT NULL, source_width int(11) DEFAULT NULL, source_height int(11) DEFAULT NULL, template_width int(11) DEFAULT NULL, template_height int(11) DEFAULT NULL, correlation_threshold DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id, node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_T FOREIGN KEY (template_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_S FOREIGN KEY (screenshot_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_terminal_screens ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id varchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, screen TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_file_diagnostics ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id varchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id varchar(255) NOT NULL, start_line int(11), start_character int(11), end_line int(11), end_character int(11), message TEXT, severity varchar(100), code int(11), source TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

MySql for Cycle version 2.5.0 (Run third)

CREATE TABLE data_type_lookup ( id int(11) NOT NULL , datatype_desc varchar(100) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

insert into data_type_lookup values (1, 'STRING'); insert into data_type_lookup values (2, 'INT'); insert into data_type_lookup values (3, 'FLOAT');

CREATE TABLE test_plan ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , name varchar(255) NOT NULL , is_default BOOL , description TEXT , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_tag ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , name varchar(255) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_set ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_plan_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , name varchar(255) NOT NULL , description TEXT , PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_plan_id) REFERENCES test_plan (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_data_set_UN ON test_data_set (test_plan_id,name) USING BTREE;

CREATE TABLE test_data_column ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , name varchar(255) NOT NULL , datatype int(11) NOT NULL , sort_sequence int(11) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_type_FK FOREIGN KEY (datatype) REFERENCES data_type_lookup (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , sort_sequence int(11) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record_tag ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_tag_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_tag_id) REFERENCES test_data_tag (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_value ( id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_column_id varchar(100) NOT NULL , data_value TEXT , PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_column_id) REFERENCES test_data_column (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ;

MySql for Cycle version: 2.7.0 (Run fourth)

ALTER TABLE test_data_tag ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_UC UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE test_data_column ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_column_UC UNIQUE (test_data_set_id,name);

SqlServer for Cycle version 2.2.0 (Run first)

CREATE TABLE cycle_test_execution ( execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_start_ts datetime2(7) NOT NULL, cycle_user nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, cycle_version nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, hardware_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, computer_username nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, os nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, invoker nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_test_execution PRIMARY KEY (execution_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_execution_results ( execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, parent_node_id nvarchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, sending_node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, node_sequence int NOT NULL, node_type nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, block_type nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, status nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, error_message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, file_uri TEXT DEFAULT NULL, start_line int DEFAULT NULL, end_line int DEFAULT NULL, data_file_path TEXT DEFAULT NULL, worker_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, tags TEXT DEFAULT NULL, step_id nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, delay_start_time datetime2(7) DEFAULT NULL, start_time datetime2(7) NOT NULL, end_time datetime2(7) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cycle_execution_results PRIMARY KEY (execution_id,node_id), CONSTRAINT FK_cycle_execution_results FOREIGN KEY (execution_id) REFERENCES cycle_test_execution(execution_id) ) ; CREATE INDEX cycle_node_type_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (node_type);; CREATE INDEX cycle_parent_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,parent_node_id);; CREATE INDEX cycle_sending_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,sending_node_id);;

CREATE VIEW cycle_execution_view AS SELECT test.execution_id, test.cycle_user, test.os, test.computer_username, test.hardware_id, test.cycle_version, as group_name, cyc_group.data_file_path, worker.worker_name, dtl.node_id, dtl.node_type,, dtl.block_type, dtl.tags, dtl.status, dtl.message, dtl.error_message, dtl.file_uri, dtl.start_line, dtl.end_line, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time, DATEDIFF(millisecond, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time) as duration, DATEDIFF(millisecond, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.end_time) as duration_with_delay, dtl.node_sequence from cycle_test_execution as test join cycle_execution_results as dtl on test.execution_id = dtl.execution_id and node_type not in ('Group','GroupTest','ConditionalBlock','ConditionalExpression') left join (select execution_id, node_id, parent_node_id, sending_node_id, worker_name from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Feature') as worker on dtl.execution_id = worker.execution_id and dtl.sending_node_id = worker.node_id left join (select execution_id, node_id, name, data_file_path from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Group') as cyc_group on worker.execution_id = cyc_group.execution_id and worker.parent_node_id = cyc_group.node_id;

SqlServer for Cycle version 2.3.0 (Run second)

CREATE TABLE cycle_image ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, image varbinary(MAX), CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ; CREATE TABLE cycle_image_results ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, template_file TEXT, template_image_id nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, screenshot_image_id nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, found_image BIT DEFAULT NULL, min_value FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, max_value FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, min_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, min_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, source_width int DEFAULT NULL, source_height int DEFAULT NULL, template_width int DEFAULT NULL, template_height int DEFAULT NULL, correlation_threshold FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id, node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_T FOREIGN KEY (template_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image(id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_S FOREIGN KEY (screenshot_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_terminal_screens ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, screen TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_TERMINAL PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_file_diagnostics ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, start_line int, start_character int, end_line int, end_character int, message TEXT, severity nvarchar(100), code int, source TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) ) ;

SqlServer for Cycle version 2.5.0 (Run third)

CREATE TABLE data_type_lookup ( id int NOT NULL , datatype_desc nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT data_type_lookup_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

insert into data_type_lookup values (1, 'STRING'); insert into data_type_lookup values (2, 'INT'); insert into data_type_lookup values (3, 'FLOAT');

CREATE TABLE test_plan ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , is_default BIT , description TEXT , CONSTRAINT test_plan_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_tag ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_set ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_plan_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , description TEXT , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_plan_id) REFERENCES test_plan(id) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_data_set_UN ON test_data_set (test_plan_id,name);

CREATE TABLE test_data_column ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , datatype int NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set(id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_type_FK FOREIGN KEY (datatype) REFERENCES data_type_lookup(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record_tag ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_tag_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_tag_id) REFERENCES test_data_tag(id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_value ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_column_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , data_value TEXT , CONSTRAINT test_data_value_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record(id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_column_id) REFERENCES test_data_column(id) ) ;

SqlServer for Cycle version: 2.7.0 (Run fourth)

ALTER TABLE test_data_tag ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_UC UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE test_data_column ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_column_UC UNIQUE (test_data_set_id,name);

Oracle for Cycle version 2.2.0 (Run first)

CREATE TABLE cycle_test_execution ( execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_start_ts timestamp(6) NOT NULL, cycle_user VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, cycle_version VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, hardware_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, computer_username VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, os VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, invoker VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_test_execution PRIMARY KEY (execution_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_execution_results ( execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, parent_node_id VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT NULL, sending_node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, node_sequence int NOT NULL, node_type VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, block_type VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, status VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, error_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, file_uri VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, start_line int DEFAULT NULL, end_line int DEFAULT NULL, data_file_path VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, worker_name VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, tags VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, step_id VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, delay_start_time timestamp(6) DEFAULT NULL, start_time timestamp(6) NOT NULL, end_time timestamp(6) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cycle_execution_results PRIMARY KEY (execution_id,node_id), CONSTRAINT FK_cycle_execution_results FOREIGN KEY (execution_id) REFERENCES cycle_test_execution (execution_id) ) ; CREATE INDEX cycle_node_type_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (node_type);; CREATE INDEX cycle_parent_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,parent_node_id);; CREATE INDEX cycle_sending_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,sending_node_id);;

CREATE VIEW cycle_execution_view AS SELECT test.execution_id, test.cycle_user, test.os, test.computer_username, test.hardware_id, test.cycle_version, as group_name, cyc_group.data_file_path, worker.worker_name, dtl.node_id, dtl.node_type,, dtl.block_type, dtl.tags, dtl.status, dtl.message, dtl.error_message, dtl.file_uri, dtl.start_line, dtl.end_line, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time, (sysdate + (dtl.end_time - dtl.start_time) * 1000 - sysdate) * 86400 as duration, (sysdate + (dtl.end_time - dtl.delay_start_time) * 1000 - sysdate) * 86400 as duration_with_delay, dtl.node_sequence from cycle_test_execution test join cycle_execution_results dtl on test.execution_id = dtl.execution_id and node_type not in ('Group','GroupTest','ConditionalBlock','ConditionalExpression') left join (select execution_id, node_id, parent_node_id, sending_node_id, worker_name from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Feature') worker on dtl.execution_id = worker.execution_id and dtl.sending_node_id = worker.node_id left join (select execution_id, node_id, name, data_file_path from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Group') cyc_group on worker.execution_id = cyc_group.execution_id and worker.parent_node_id = cyc_group.node_id;

Oracle for Cycle version 2.3.0 (Run second)

CREATE TABLE cycle_image ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, image BLOB, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ; CREATE TABLE cycle_image_results ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, template_file VARCHAR2(4000), template_image_id VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, screenshot_image_id VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, found_image CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL, min_value BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, max_value BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, min_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, min_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, source_width int DEFAULT NULL, source_height int DEFAULT NULL, template_width int DEFAULT NULL, template_height int DEFAULT NULL, correlation_threshold BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id, node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_T FOREIGN KEY (template_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_S FOREIGN KEY (screenshot_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_terminal_screens ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, screen VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_TERMINAL PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_file_diagnostics ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, start_line int, start_character int, end_line int, end_character int, message VARCHAR2(4000), severity VARCHAR2(100), code int, source VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT PK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) ) ;

Oracle for Cycle version 2.5.0 (Run third)

CREATE TABLE data_type_lookup ( id int NOT NULL , datatype_desc VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT data_type_lookup_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

insert into data_type_lookup values (1, 'STRING'); insert into data_type_lookup values (2, 'INT'); insert into data_type_lookup values (3, 'FLOAT');

CREATE TABLE test_plan ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , is_default CHAR(1) , description VARCHAR2(4000) , CONSTRAINT test_plan_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_tag ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_set ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_plan_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , description VARCHAR2(4000) , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_plan_id) REFERENCES test_plan (id) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_data_set_UN ON test_data_set (test_plan_id,name);

CREATE TABLE test_data_column ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , datatype int NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_type_FK FOREIGN KEY (datatype) REFERENCES data_type_lookup (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record_tag ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_tag_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_tag_id) REFERENCES test_data_tag (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_value ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_column_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , data_value VARCHAR2(4000) , CONSTRAINT test_data_value_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_column_id) REFERENCES test_data_column (id) ) ;

Oracle for Cycle version: 2.7.0 (Run fourth)

ALTER TABLE test_data_tag ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_UC UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE test_data_column ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_column_UC UNIQUE (test_data_set_id,name);

H2 for Cycle version 2.2.0 (Run first)

CREATE TABLE cycle_test_execution ( execution_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, execution_start_ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, cycle_user VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, cycle_version VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, hardware_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, computer_username VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, os VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, invoker VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_test_execution PRIMARY KEY (execution_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_execution_results ( execution_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, parent_node_id VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL, sending_node_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, node_sequence INT NOT NULL, node_type VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, block_type VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, status VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, message VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, error_message VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, file_uri VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, start_line INT DEFAULT NULL, end_line INT DEFAULT NULL, data_file_path VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, worker_name VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, tags VARCHAR DEFAULT NULL, step_id VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, delay_start_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL, start_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, end_time TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cycle_execution_results PRIMARY KEY (execution_id,node_id), CONSTRAINT FK_cycle_execution_results FOREIGN KEY (execution_id) REFERENCES cycle_test_execution(execution_id) ) ; CREATE INDEX cycle_node_type_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (node_type);; CREATE INDEX cycle_parent_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,parent_node_id);; CREATE INDEX cycle_sending_node_IDX ON cycle_execution_results (execution_id,sending_node_id);;

CREATE VIEW cycle_execution_view AS SELECT test.execution_id, test.cycle_user, test.os, test.computer_username, test.hardware_id, test.cycle_version, as group_name, cyc_group.data_file_path, worker.worker_name, dtl.node_id, dtl.node_type,, dtl.block_type, dtl.tags, dtl.status, dtl.message, dtl.error_message, dtl.file_uri, dtl.start_line, dtl.end_line, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time, datediff('ms', dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time) as duration, datediff('ms', dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.end_time) as duration_with_delay, dtl.node_sequence from cycle_test_execution as test join cycle_execution_results as dtl on test.execution_id = dtl.execution_id and node_type not in ('Group','GroupTest','ConditionalBlock','ConditionalExpression') left join (select execution_id, node_id, parent_node_id, sending_node_id, worker_name from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Feature') as worker on dtl.execution_id = worker.execution_id and dtl.sending_node_id = worker.node_id left join (select execution_id, node_id, name, data_file_path from cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Group') as cyc_group on worker.execution_id = cyc_group.execution_id and worker.parent_node_id = cyc_group.node_id;

H2 for Cycle version 2.3.0 (Run second)

CREATE TABLE cycle_image ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, image LONGBLOB, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ; CREATE TABLE cycle_image_results ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, template_file VARCHAR, template_image_id VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, screenshot_image_id VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT NULL, found_image BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL, min_value DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, max_value DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, min_location_x INT DEFAULT NULL, min_location_y INT DEFAULT NULL, max_location_x INT DEFAULT NULL, max_location_y INT DEFAULT NULL, source_width INT DEFAULT NULL, source_height INT DEFAULT NULL, template_width INT DEFAULT NULL, template_height INT DEFAULT NULL, correlation_threshold DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id, node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_T FOREIGN KEY (template_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image(id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_S FOREIGN KEY (screenshot_image_id) REFERENCES cycle_image(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_terminal_screens ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, screen VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_TERMINAL PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE cycle_file_diagnostics ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, start_line INT, start_character INT, end_line INT, end_character INT, message VARCHAR, severity VARCHAR(100), code INT, source VARCHAR, CONSTRAINT PK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) ) ;

H2 for Cycle version 2.5.0 (Run third)

CREATE TABLE data_type_lookup ( id INT NOT NULL , datatype_desc VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT data_type_lookup_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

insert into data_type_lookup values (1, 'STRING'); insert into data_type_lookup values (2, 'INT'); insert into data_type_lookup values (3, 'FLOAT');

CREATE TABLE test_plan ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , is_default BOOLEAN , description VARCHAR , CONSTRAINT test_plan_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_tag ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_set ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_plan_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , description VARCHAR , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_set_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_plan_id) REFERENCES test_plan(id) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX test_data_set_UN ON test_data_set (test_plan_id,name);

CREATE TABLE test_data_column ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , datatype INT NOT NULL , sort_sequence INT NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set(id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_type_FK FOREIGN KEY (datatype) REFERENCES data_type_lookup(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , sort_sequence INT NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES test_data_set(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_record_tag ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_data_tag_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_tag_id) REFERENCES test_data_tag(id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE test_data_value ( id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , test_data_column_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL , data_value VARCHAR , CONSTRAINT test_data_value_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_record_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES test_data_record(id) , CONSTRAINT test_data_column_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_column_id) REFERENCES test_data_column(id) ) ;

H2 for Cycle version: 2.7.0 (Run fourth)

ALTER TABLE test_data_tag ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_tag_UC UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE test_data_column ADD CONSTRAINT test_data_column_UC UNIQUE (test_data_set_id,name);

MOCA Database DDLs

MOCA SqlServer for Cycle version 2.2.0 (Run first)

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_test_execution ( execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_start_ts datetime2(7) NOT NULL, cycle_user nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, cycle_version nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, hardware_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, computer_username nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, os nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, invoker nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_test_execution PRIMARY KEY (execution_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_execution_results ( execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, parent_node_id nvarchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, sending_node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, node_sequence int NOT NULL, node_type nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, block_type nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, status nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, error_message TEXT DEFAULT NULL, file_uri TEXT DEFAULT NULL, start_line int DEFAULT NULL, end_line int DEFAULT NULL, data_file_path TEXT DEFAULT NULL, worker_name TEXT DEFAULT NULL, tags TEXT DEFAULT NULL, step_id nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, delay_start_time datetime2(7) DEFAULT NULL, start_time datetime2(7) NOT NULL, end_time datetime2(7) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cycle_execution_results PRIMARY KEY (execution_id,node_id), CONSTRAINT FK_cycle_execution_results FOREIGN KEY (execution_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_test_execution(execution_id) ) ; CREATE INDEX cycle_node_type_IDX ON uc_cycle_execution_results (node_type);; CREATE INDEX cycle_parent_node_IDX ON uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,parent_node_id);; CREATE INDEX cycle_sending_node_IDX ON uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,sending_node_id);;

CREATE VIEW uc_cycle_execution_view AS SELECT test.execution_id, test.cycle_user, test.os, test.computer_username, test.hardware_id, test.cycle_version, as group_name, cyc_group.data_file_path, worker.worker_name, dtl.node_id, dtl.node_type,, dtl.block_type, dtl.tags, dtl.status, dtl.message, dtl.error_message, dtl.file_uri, dtl.start_line, dtl.end_line, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time, DATEDIFF(millisecond, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time) as duration, DATEDIFF(millisecond, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.end_time) as duration_with_delay, dtl.node_sequence from uc_cycle_test_execution as test join uc_cycle_execution_results as dtl on test.execution_id = dtl.execution_id and node_type not in ('Group','GroupTest','ConditionalBlock','ConditionalExpression') left join (select execution_id, node_id, parent_node_id, sending_node_id, worker_name from uc_cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Feature') as worker on dtl.execution_id = worker.execution_id and dtl.sending_node_id = worker.node_id left join (select execution_id, node_id, name, data_file_path from uc_cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Group') as cyc_group on worker.execution_id = cyc_group.execution_id and worker.parent_node_id = cyc_group.node_id;

MOCA SqlServer for Cycle version 2.3.0 (Run second)

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_image ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, image varbinary(MAX), CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ; CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_image_results ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, template_file TEXT, template_image_id nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, screenshot_image_id nvarchar(100) DEFAULT NULL, found_image BIT DEFAULT NULL, min_value FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, max_value FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, min_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, min_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, source_width int DEFAULT NULL, source_height int DEFAULT NULL, template_width int DEFAULT NULL, template_height int DEFAULT NULL, correlation_threshold FLOAT DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id, node_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_T FOREIGN KEY (template_image_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_image(id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_S FOREIGN KEY (screenshot_image_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_image(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_terminal_screens ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, screen TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_TERMINAL PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_file_diagnostics ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, execution_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, node_id nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, start_line int, start_character int, end_line int, end_character int, message TEXT, severity nvarchar(100), code int, source TEXT, CONSTRAINT PK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_execution_results(execution_id,node_id) ) ;

MOCA SqlServer for Cycle version 2.5.0 (Run third)

CREATE TABLE uc_data_type_lookup ( id int NOT NULL , datatype_desc nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_data_type_lookup_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

insert into uc_data_type_lookup values (1, 'STRING'); insert into uc_data_type_lookup values (2, 'INT'); insert into uc_data_type_lookup values (3, 'FLOAT');

CREATE TABLE uc_test_plan ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , is_default BIT , description TEXT , CONSTRAINT uc_test_plan_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_tag ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_set ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_plan_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , description TEXT , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_set_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_set_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_plan_id) REFERENCES uc_test_plan(id) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uc_test_data_set_UN ON uc_test_data_set (test_plan_id,name);

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_column ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , name nvarchar(255) NOT NULL , datatype int NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_set(id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_type_FK FOREIGN KEY (datatype) REFERENCES uc_data_type_lookup(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_record ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_set(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_record_tag ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_tag_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_tag_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_tag(id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_record(id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_value ( id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , test_data_column_id nvarchar(100) NOT NULL , data_value TEXT , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_value_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_record(id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_column_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_column(id) ) ;

MOCA SqlServer for Cycle version: 2.7.0 (Run fourth)

ALTER TABLE uc_test_data_tag ADD CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_tag_UC UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE uc_test_data_column ADD CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_UC UNIQUE (test_data_set_id,name);

MOCA Oracle for Cycle version 2.2.0 (Run first)

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_test_execution ( execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_start_ts timestamp(6) NOT NULL, cycle_user VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, cycle_version VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, hardware_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, computer_username VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, os VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, invoker VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_test_execution PRIMARY KEY (execution_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_execution_results ( execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, parent_node_id VARCHAR2(255) DEFAULT NULL, sending_node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, node_sequence int NOT NULL, node_type VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, block_type VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, name VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, status VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, error_message VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, file_uri VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, start_line int DEFAULT NULL, end_line int DEFAULT NULL, data_file_path VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, worker_name VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, tags VARCHAR2(4000) DEFAULT NULL, step_id VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, delay_start_time timestamp(6) DEFAULT NULL, start_time timestamp(6) NOT NULL, end_time timestamp(6) DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_cycle_execution_results PRIMARY KEY (execution_id,node_id), CONSTRAINT FK_cycle_execution_results FOREIGN KEY (execution_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_test_execution (execution_id) ) ; CREATE INDEX cycle_node_type_IDX ON uc_cycle_execution_results (node_type);; CREATE INDEX cycle_parent_node_IDX ON uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,parent_node_id);; CREATE INDEX cycle_sending_node_IDX ON uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,sending_node_id);;

CREATE VIEW uc_cycle_execution_view AS SELECT test.execution_id, test.cycle_user, test.os, test.computer_username, test.hardware_id, test.cycle_version, as group_name, cyc_group.data_file_path, worker.worker_name, dtl.node_id, dtl.node_type,, dtl.block_type, dtl.tags, dtl.status, dtl.message, dtl.error_message, dtl.file_uri, dtl.start_line, dtl.end_line, dtl.delay_start_time, dtl.start_time, dtl.end_time, (sysdate + (dtl.end_time - dtl.start_time) * 1000 - sysdate) * 86400 as duration, (sysdate + (dtl.end_time - dtl.delay_start_time) * 1000 - sysdate) * 86400 as duration_with_delay, dtl.node_sequence from uc_cycle_test_execution test join uc_cycle_execution_results dtl on test.execution_id = dtl.execution_id and node_type not in ('Group','GroupTest','ConditionalBlock','ConditionalExpression') left join (select execution_id, node_id, parent_node_id, sending_node_id, worker_name from uc_cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Feature') worker on dtl.execution_id = worker.execution_id and dtl.sending_node_id = worker.node_id left join (select execution_id, node_id, name, data_file_path from uc_cycle_execution_results where node_type = 'Group') cyc_group on worker.execution_id = cyc_group.execution_id and worker.parent_node_id = cyc_group.node_id;

MOCA Oracle for Cycle version 2.3.0 (Run second)

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_image ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, image BLOB, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ; CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_image_results ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, template_file VARCHAR2(4000), template_image_id VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, screenshot_image_id VARCHAR2(100) DEFAULT NULL, found_image CHAR(1) DEFAULT NULL, min_value BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, max_value BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, min_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, min_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_x int DEFAULT NULL, max_location_y int DEFAULT NULL, source_width int DEFAULT NULL, source_height int DEFAULT NULL, template_width int DEFAULT NULL, template_height int DEFAULT NULL, correlation_threshold BINARY_DOUBLE DEFAULT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_IMAGE_RESULTS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id, node_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_T FOREIGN KEY (template_image_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_image (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL_S FOREIGN KEY (screenshot_image_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_image (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_terminal_screens ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, screen VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT PK_CYCLE_TERMINAL PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_CYCLE_TERMINAL FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_cycle_file_diagnostics ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, execution_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL, node_id VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL, start_line int, start_character int, end_line int, end_character int, message VARCHAR2(4000), severity VARCHAR2(100), code int, source VARCHAR2(4000), CONSTRAINT PK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT FK_FILE_DIAGNOSTICS FOREIGN KEY (execution_id,node_id) REFERENCES uc_cycle_execution_results (execution_id,node_id) ) ;

MOCA Oracle for Cycle version 2.5.0 (Run third)

CREATE TABLE uc_data_type_lookup ( id int NOT NULL , datatype_desc VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_data_type_lookup_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

insert into uc_data_type_lookup values (1, 'STRING'); insert into uc_data_type_lookup values (2, 'INT'); insert into uc_data_type_lookup values (3, 'FLOAT');

CREATE TABLE uc_test_plan ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , is_default CHAR(1) , description VARCHAR2(4000) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_plan_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_tag ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_set ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_plan_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , description VARCHAR2(4000) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_set_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_set_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_plan_id) REFERENCES uc_test_plan (id) ) ; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX uc_test_data_set_UN ON uc_test_data_set (test_plan_id,name);

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_column ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , name VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL , datatype int NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_set (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_type_FK FOREIGN KEY (datatype) REFERENCES uc_data_type_lookup (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_record ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_set_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , sort_sequence int NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_set_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_set (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_record_tag ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_tag_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_tag_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_tag_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_tag (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_tag_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_record (id) ) ;

CREATE TABLE uc_test_data_value ( id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_record_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , test_data_column_id VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL , data_value VARCHAR2(4000) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_value_PK PRIMARY KEY (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_record_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_record_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_record (id) , CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_val_FK FOREIGN KEY (test_data_column_id) REFERENCES uc_test_data_column (id) ) ;

MOCA Oracle for Cycle version: 2.7.0 (Run fourth)

ALTER TABLE uc_test_data_tag ADD CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_tag_UC UNIQUE (name); ALTER TABLE uc_test_data_column ADD CONSTRAINT uc_test_data_column_UC UNIQUE (test_data_set_id,name);