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Data Store Column Descriptions

Datastore Columns

The data store tables include the following columns:

cycle_test_execution table

Column NameDescriptionConstraintRequired?MSSQLOracleMySQLDB2H2
execution_idUnique execution of a testPrimary Keynvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
execution_start_tsTimestamp of the start of the testdatetime2(7)timestamp(6)datetime(3)TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP
cycle_userThe Cycle user who executed the testnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
cycle_versionThe version of Cycle which executed the testnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
hardware_idThe serial number of the computer which executed the testnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
computer_usernameThe user logged into the computernvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
osThe OS Version for the computer that executed the testnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
invokerIndicates whether the test was run from Cycle-CLI or the Cycle Clientnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)

cycle_execution_results table

Column NameDescriptionConstraintRequired?MSSQLOracleMySQLDB2H2
execution_idUnique execution of a testPrimary Key, Foreign Keynvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
node_idUnique ID for an item in a test, e.g., a Step, a Scenario, a Feature, etc.Primary Keynvarchar(255)VARCHAR2(255)varchar(255)VARCHAR(255)VARCHAR(255)
parent_node_idThe immediate parent of this node. E.g., the ID of the Scenario to which a Step belongsnvarchar(255)VARCHAR2(255)varchar(255)VARCHAR(255)VARCHAR(255)
sending_node_idThe Feature, Playlist, or Group which is the ancestor of this node. This is primarily for sorting data in Group Tests.nvarchar(255)VARCHAR2(255)varchar(255)VARCHAR(255)VARCHAR(255)
node_sequenceUsed for sorting sequence of nodes within a Featureintintint(11)intint
node_typeIndicates whether a node is a Playlist, Group Test, Group, Feature, Scenario, Step Block, or Stepnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
block_typeIf the node is a Step Block, is this a Background, After Scenario, top level Scenario, inner Sceanrio, or a group of steps that are part of a conditional statementnvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
nameThe name of the Feature, Scenario, Step, etc.textVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
statusStarted, Pass, Fail, True, False, Stopped, or Restartednvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
messageAny return value provided by a SteptextVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
error_messageAny error message provided by a false or failuretextVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
file_uriThe location of the file that produced this nodetextVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
start_lineThe first line that produced this node in the Feature file for the Step, Scenario, etc.intintint(11)intint
end_lineThe last line that produced this node in the Feature file for the Step, Scenario, etc.,intintint(11)intint
data_file_pathFor a Group Test, the CSV file that provided the worker datatextVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
worker_nameThe worker name (if this node is a Feature which represents a worker in a group)textVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
tagsIf this node is a Scenario, any tagstextVARCHAR2(1000)textVARCHAR2(1000)VARCHAR
step_idIf this node is a Step, the step ID, which can be found in the step guidenvarchar(100)VARCHAR2(100)varchar(100)VARCHAR(100)VARCHAR(100)
delay_start_timeIf this node is a Step with a non-zero step delay, this field will be the time at which the delay begandatetime2(7)timestamp(6)datetime(3)TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP
start_timeThe time at which execution of the node begandatetime2(7)timestamp(6)datetime(3)TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP
end_timeThe time at which execution of this node finisheddatetime2(7)timestamp(6)datetime(3)TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP