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Interacting with Tabular Data

Cycle provides Steps that can copy or validate data in a table on a web page. Columns can identified in Steps by either the name of the column, or the number of the column. To identify the column number, count columns from the left, starting at number 1. Rows are identified by the row number, which is retrieved by counting the rows from the top of the table, starting at 1.

Examples of tabular data web Steps include:

I see column <COLUMN_NUMBER> in table "<ELEMENT_ID>" in web browser

I copy the value in row < ROW_NUMBER > column "<COLUMN_NAME>" in table "< ELEMENT_ID >" in web browser as variable "<VARIABLE_NAME>"

I do not see "<TEXT>" in column "<COLUMN_NAME>" in table "<ELEMENT_ID>" in web browser within <NUMBER> seconds

I see "<TEXT>" in column <COLUMN_NUMBER> in table "<ELEMENT_ID>" in web browser

I see <NUMBER> rows with a value of "<TEXT>" in column "<COLUMN_NAME>" in table "<ELEMENT_ID>" in web browser within <NUMBER> seconds