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XML and JSON Replacement Steps

Cycle contains the following Steps for replacing text within XML documents:

    I replace variables in XML|JSON "<a>${VAR}</a>" with variable "new_XML"
I replace variables in XML|JSON file "INPUT_FILE" and save as "OUTPUT_FILE"
I replace variables in XML|JSON "<a>${VAR}</a>" and save as "OUTPUT_FILE"
I replace variables in XML|JSON file "INPUT_FILE" with variable "new_XML"

These Steps allow Cycle to interface directly with XML and JSON code snippets.

By using a template file with Cycle variable placeholders, Cycle users can end up with a new xml or JSON document that can be posted to an API.

Common Use Cases

Test Data Management

By injecting data into the system under test via an XML document, while keeping the Test Cases parameterized, test suites can be much more modular and flexible.

Web API Calls

Many of the APIs that Cycle interacts with require a posted JSON body, these new steps allow for parameterized JSON.