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Cycle Lists

Cycle 2.8 adds new Steps for creating and manipulating lists including (but not limited to):

I create list "<LIST_NAME>" I sort|reverse list "<LIST_NAME>" I append|prepend element "<ADDED_ELEMENT>" to list "<LIST_NAME>" I assign next element in list "<LIST_NAME>" to variable "<VARIABLE_NAME>" I verify list "<LIST_NAME>" is not empty I verify list "<LIST_NAME>" contains "<LIST_ELEMENT>"

Use Case:

Creating lists, checking if items are contained in a list, pealing off first/last items in list, and iterating over items in a list are natural programming constructs. Sometimes it is helpful to have a list of items (for instance a list of loads to be deposited or a list of serial numbers).

Older versions of Cycle relied on CSV files to manage this paradigm. Lists allow the lists of test data to live inside of Cycle.