MOCA Connection Authorization
JDA authorization tables can be configured to restrict Cycle access to your specific WMS instance. For example, you may prefer to allow access to your development and/or test environments while restricting access to production.
In the example below, a new policy record "TRYON-SOLUTIONS-CYCLE" is created for enabling and disabling Cycle. The policy has a return number of 1 to enable it. When this happens, only users authorized for this policy (via user or role) can use Cycle on that instance. Authorization can be given by role or by user, both of which are demonstrated in the following figures.
New Policy
Role-based authorization
User-based authorization
If a user does not have the required authorization including this new policy, they would see the following error when attempting to connect to this WMS instance in Cycle:
User ID `<USERNAME>` not authorized for TRYON-SOLUTIONS-CYCLE. See administrator.