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Handling Voice Emulation


Many supply chain systems rely on headsets and voice for critical warehouse processes. It is important to include these voice and scanning processes in end-to-end system tests, to validate that both day-in-the-life processes and specific software deployments run smoothly.

Cycle supports voice emulation testing for Vocollect VoiceCatalyst®. With voice emulation, Cycle users can validate and achieve operational assurance in critical voice and scanning processes. Cycle can emulate either a single voice emulator or a group of voice emulators.

Executing voice emulation tests

Cycle currently leverages most of the same Steps and procedures as terminal emulation testing for voice emulation testing. Users who have MockCatalyst available for Vocollect VoiceArtisan™ emulation (provided by JDA) can connect via terminal emulation to a server running VoiceCatalyst® to open the voice emulator. The server echoes to the console what the user would have spoken through a headset, and Cycle responds with the appropriate "typed" voice commands using the same processes used for terminal emulation.

Additional considerations

Please note the following related to voice emulation.

  • Currently, only Vocollect VoiceCatalyst® is supported. Emulation for voice software from other vendors, such as Lucas, is not currently supported.
  • Vocollect VoiceCatalyst® is supported only if the user has MockCatalyst available for VoiceArtisan™ emulation, provided by JDA. The package (.vad file) running on the Vocollect server should be the same version as the MockCatalyst voice emulator, so that the correct voice task logic is tested.
  • In the initial deployment of voice emulation functionality, users need to have terminal access on their server to open the voice emulator. Users may want to consider connecting via Telnet for volume testing when encryption is not needed.
  • A different voice emulator folder must be created for each user in a voice emulation group test.