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Terminal Creation Steps

Cycle can create and control a terminal emulator. In many cases, it is recommended to also have an active database connection in order to run database commands (e.g., SQL or MOCA) and check underlying data. When a terminal emulator is created, Cycle will automatically enter the answerback identifying the device (if provided) and present the login screen. Cycle will then begin interacting with the terminal emulator as a user would, based on the Steps written in the Feature File.

Creating a terminal emulator

To create a terminal emulator, use one of the following Steps:

  • I open terminal connected to "< ADDRESS>:<PORT >"
  • I open terminal connected to "< ADDRESS>:<PORT >" sized to <LINE_NUMBER> lines and < COLUMN_NUMBER > columns
  • I open terminal connected to "< ADDRESS>:<PORT >" with answerback "< ANSWERBACK >"
  • I open terminal connected to "< ADDRESS>:<PORT >" with answerback "< ANSWERBACK >" sized to <LINE_NUMBER> lines and < COLUMN_NUMBER > columns
  • I open terminal with SSH encryption connected to "< ADDRESS>:<PORT >" logged in as "< USERNAME >" "< PASSWORD >"
  • I open terminal with SSH encryption connected to "< ADDRESS>:<PORT >" logged in as "< USERNAME >" "< PASSWORD >" sized to <LINE_NUMBER> lines and < COLUMN_NUMBER > columns


  • In the above Steps, ADDRESS:PORT refers to the Telnet connection string that is used to connect to the server.
  • ANSWERBACK refers to a string that identifies the device or terminal communicating with the server.
  • If you do not specify the size of the terminal you want to create, the terminal will be a default size of 25 lines x 80 columns.
  • The default time-out period for any terminal Step that initiates a connection is 90 seconds.


  • I open terminal connected to "123.456.789.10:5550"
  • I open terminal connected to "123.456.789.10:5550" with answerback "RDT001"
  • I open terminal connected to "123.456.789.10:5550" with answerback "RDT001" sized to 100 lines and 100 columns
  • I open terminal with SSH encryption connected to "123.456.789.10:5550" logged in as "Admin" "MySecretPassword"

Resizing the terminal emulator

The terminal emulator in Cycle can be resized using a Step that specifies the size. If you do not specify a terminal emulator size, it will default to 25 lines x 80 columns. If you previously recorded a terminal emulator Feature, the terminal emulator will be sized to whatever you used last when recording.