Resolving Plugin Errors
There are many errors that could happen when attempting to add a step plugin to Cycle. Whenever Cycle identifies an error, it will issue notifications through the editor (the Cycle Desktop IDE or the Cycle Testing VS Code extension).
Settings file
The following errors could happen regarding the settings.yml
- The
file is not found in the step plugin plugin directory. - Cycle fails to parse the file.
- The file is missing the start command.
- The file has incorrect step renaming settings.
If Cycle discovers any of these issues, it will issue error notifications in the current editor. You will not be able to run any Cycle tests until the step plugin is fixed.
OpenAPI spec file
The following problems could happen regarding the OpenAPI specification for steps:
- The
file is not found in the step plugin plugin directory. - Cycle fails to parse the whole file.
- The
GET /status
path is missing. - The
GET /status
path is incorrect. - The
POST /scenario-start
path is missing. - The
POST /scenario-start
path is incorrect. - The
POST /scenario-end
path is missing. - The
POST /scenario-end
path is incorrect. - The
POST /shutdown
path is missing. - The
POST /shutdown
path is incorrect. - A step path is incorrect:
- It is missing a list of CycleScript steps for
. - It is missing input definitions for CycleScript step parameters.
- It defines an incorrect step response.
- It is missing a description. (WARNING)
- It is missing examples for inputs for CycleScript step parameters. (WARNING)
- It has other issues.
- It is missing a list of CycleScript steps for
- Two step paths define the same CycleScript step text.
- Different step plugins provide steps with the same CycleScript step text. (WARNING)
All of these are errors except for the few marked explicitly as warnings. If Cycle discovers any of these issues, it will issue notifications in the current editor. Cycle will allow tests to run for warnings but not for errors.
Executable artifact
The following errors could happen when trying to start the step plugin process for test execution:
- The start command in the
fails (for any reason). - The step plugin is not alive after timing out from calling the start command and calling the
GET /status
command. - The Cycle engine attempts to call a step that the step plugin does not provide.
When the Cycle engine hits any of these errors, it will abort immediately and report error messages to all the standard places (editors, logs, console out).