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Viewing Test Results

The Cycle Report Dashboard displays test results while tests are running and after tests have completed. It breaks down results for test runs, scenarios, and steps by three columns in one view.

Viewing Test Results

Viewing test runs

The leftmost column displays test runs for features and playlists. It presents them from top to bottom in reverse chronological order of their start time. Each test run can be expanded to show its scenarios. The final result of each item is displayed to its right. A green checkmark indicates a passing result, while a red X indicates a failure.

Left Column

Warning: The Report Dashboard currently does not support group test results.

Viewing scenarios

The center column displays the results for a scenario. To view a scenario, select it from the test runs in the left column. The dashboard shows:

  • the scenario's name
  • the scenario's result status
  • the scenario's duration time
  • the scenario's start time
  • an expandable tree view of all the scenario's steps, with result status icons for each step

Center Column


The "Tailing" option is displayed in the upper-right corner of the center column. If this option is enabled, then while a test is running live, the dashboard will put focus on the most recent steps completed as if it is "tailing" a log file. This option is helpful for tracking real-time status of a test as it runs.

Tailing a Scenario

Jump to Failure

The "Jump to Failure" button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the center column underneath the "Tailing" option. If the scenario has a failure, then when this button is clicked, the dashboard will expand the tree view of the steps to focus on the failing step. Jumping directly to the failing step is much more convenient than manual navigating through steps to find the failure.

Jump to Failure

Collapse All

The "Collapse All" button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the center column directly to the right of the "Jump to Failure" button. When this button is clicked, the tree view for steps is fully collapsed.

Collapse All

Viewing steps

The rightmost column displays information about a single step. To view a step, select it from the scenario's list of steps in the center column. The dashboard shows:

  • the step's text
  • the absolute filepath to the feature file containing the step
  • the line number in that file where the step appears
  • the step's duration time
  • if the step used any variables, a table of variable names and values
  • if the step failed, the error message for the failure
  • any screenshots the step captured

Right Column

Step Result Details

The rightmost column may appear to be narrow, depending upon screen sizes. You can view "Step Result Details" in a wider modal by clicking the pop-out icon in the upper-left corner of the column.

Step Result Details