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Components of the Group Test Interface

Group tabs

Each Group will have a separate list item on the left-side panel within Cycle. The item will have the display name that was setup in the terminal Group Test. There will be as many terminal emulators running as were setup in the CSV file.

Worker status

Each tab will contain a header with a total number of Workers in each status. Great for a quick look at how your test is doing.

  • Executing: Currently running test
  • Passed: Test completed successfully
  • Failed: Test failed
  • Total: Total number of Workers in all statuses

Worker Grid and Monitoring View

Within each tab for the terminal group there are Emulation and Monitoring tabs.

  • Worker Grid shows the Workers as they are performing the actions defined in the Feature File. This is also sometimes referred to as the wall of terminals.
  • The Monitoring View allows the user to get an overview of what Step each Worker is taking at the particular moment. This view is helpful to see the status of your Workers as well. You can see the Steps executed for each terminal. Also, you can easily see which terminal has failed in this tab.

Output pane

You are able to view the Output Pane for an individual Worker to see a stream of the Steps it is taking. This allows the user to see the historical Steps taken by an individual terminal emulator, helpful when debugging to see what Steps a terminal took before it failed. To start seeing Steps populating in the Output Pane, first select an individual Worker.