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VS Code Extension

The Cycle Testing extension for Visual Studio Code is an alternative editor to the Cycle Desktop IDE. It enables testers to edit Cycle projects in Visual Studio Code (or "VS Code" for short), one of the most popular editors for programming. It targets Cycle users who seek a more developer-oriented editing environment.

The Cycle Testing extension provides standard editing features like syntax highlighting, step assistance, and automatic completions. It also includes a few advanced features like scenario navigation and basic code snippets that are not available in the Cycle Desktop IDE. However, as of Cycle 2.20 (Cycle Testing extension version 1.2.0), the extension only supports editing. It doees not include features for test execution and debugging.

Installing the Extension


You must have the latest version of Cycle installed on your machine for the Cycle Testing extension to fully work. All features except basic syntax highlighting rely upon Cycle's tooling. Newer features may not work with older versions of Cycle as well.

You must also have the latest version of VS Code installed on your machine. You can download and install VS Code from the VS Code Download page.


The Cycle Testing extension is installed directly through VS Code. To install it, open VS Code, click the "Manage" icon at the bottom of the left sidebar, and select "Extensions".

Manage -> Extensions

The Extensions pane will appear on the left. Enter the name "Cycle Testing" in the search bar. The Cycle Testing extension should appear in the search results. Open it to see the information page. The extension should have the Cycle Labs logo, and the publisher's name should be "Cycle Labs".

Cycle Testing Extension

Install the extension by clicking the "Install" button. VS Code may need to be restarted after installing the extension.

Opening a Cycle Project

To open a Cycle project from VS Code, go to the menu, select "File", and then select "Open Folder..."

File -> Open Folder

In the file selection popup, select the root folder of the Cycle project to open. Do not select the .cycproj file or any other individual files. VS Code opens a project based on the folder containing the project.

Viewing Feature Files

Finding Files

The Explorer pane on the left side of the editor shows all the files and folders in the project. It displays the Cycle logo for feature files.

Explorer Showing Feature Files

Opening Files

Double-click on any file to open it. Open feature files have color-coded syntax highlighting similar to the scheme used by the Cycle Desktop IDE.

Feature File Syntax Highlighting

Viewing Outlines

Once a file is open, the Explorer pane's "Outline" section shows an outline of the feature file. This outline makes it easier to see all the scenarios a feature file contains at a glance.

Explorer Outline

Editing Feature Files

Creating a New Feature

In the Explorer view, right-click on the folder in which you want to create the new feature file. Select "New Cycle File" and then "New Feature..." from the context menu.

Creating a new feature from the context menu

VS Code will then open an input box at the top of the editor window for the feature file name. Enter the name you want to give the feature file. This name will become the file name as well as the Feature title.

New Feature Name Input Box

Do not use special characters in this name, and do not append a file extension. VS Code will automatically append the .feature extension to the file name.

Viewing Step Assistant

Every CycleScript step has helpful information about it through Step Assistant. Hover over the step to trigger a modal with the Step Assistant information.

Step Assistant

Automatically Completing Steps

As you type steps, the editor will provide suggestions for how to complete the step's text. Select the desired option from the suggestions to use it in the feature file.

Step Automatic Completion

Identifying Syntax Errors

The editor marks any syntax errors for incorrect CycleScript syntax or step texts with red underlines.

Syntax Error Identification

Toggling Comments

Lines for CycleScript comment start with the # character. It is common to temporarily "comment out" steps or even whole scenarios while editing and debugging feature files. Rather than type the # character for every single line, you can highlight multiple lines and then type Ctrl+/ to add or remove the # character from them at once.

Togging Comments On

Using CycleScript Snippets

Snippets are templatized blocks of code that you can insert into a file. They help you use proper syntax and structure. The Cycle Testing extension provides the following snippets:

  • if: for If statements
  • while: for While loops

To use a snippet, type the name of the snippet on a new line. Snippet options should then pop up in a modal. Select the desired snippet.

Selecting the snippet for "if" statements

The editor will insert the snippet's code directly into the feature file. Replace the highlighted sections with appropriate CycleScript code and steps.

The snippet template code for "if" statements

Please note that snippet names are case-sensitive. For example, you must select if and not If for the If statement's snippet.

In CycleScript, a scenario can call another scenario by using the I execute scenario "..." step, where "..." is the name of the scenario to call. To see the called scenario's code, hover over the step, and press and hold the Ctrl key. The scenario name will turn into a blue hyperlink. Click the name while holding the Ctrl key. VS Code will open the feature file containing the called scenario and navigate to the scenario's definition within it.

Running Cycle Commands

The Cycle Testing extension exposes several Cycle commands to VS Code through the Command Palette. To open the Command Palette, type F1 or Ctrl-Shift-P in VS Code. An input box for all available commands will appear at the top-center of the editor. Enter "Cycle:" into this input box to see all available Cycle commands.

Cycle Commands in the Command Palette