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Error Messages

Application ErrorDescriptionUser Friendly Message
Login with no passwordCurrently returns "A password is required."Nice try, but we need a password to let you in.
Invalid loginCurrently return "Invalid Credentials"Something's amiss. Please enter your credentials again.
User attempts to perform an action for which they don't have permissionE.g., a regular user (non-admin) tries to create a new user. The UP/license module should not allow this, but in the event that it did, they message returned is currently, "You do not have the privileges required for this action."You might have been Big Man on Campus (we weren't, though it sounds fun), but you don't have the privileges required for this action.
API is called with no keyThe UP/license module should not allow this, but if it did, the current message is "Missing API Key"Missing API Key. It's us, not you. Promise. Please contact for assistance.
API is called with invalid keyShould rarely happen - a Scenario like the cycle client obtains and API key and caches it. At some point the API key was changed, so a subsequent call from the license module would get this error. The current message is "Invalid API Key"Missing API Key. It's us, not you. Promise. Please contact for assistance.
Primary Key Constraint ViolationEg., attempting to create the same user twice, "Duplicate entry '' for key 'UNIQUE_USERNAME'"We're seeing double: '' already exists.
Foreign Key Constraint ViolationE.g., attempting to assign a user to a non-existent license holder, "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (licensedemo.license_user, CONSTRAINT FK_USER_LICENSE_HOLDER FOREIGN KEY (license_holder_id) REFERENCES license_holder (id))"N/A
Other DB ErrorAnything that does not fall into one of the above DB ErrorsIt’s us, not you. Promise. Please contact for assistance.
Bad RequestUser should not see this - this would be something like the JSON posted to create a user had an invalid format.Well, this is embarrassing. Something’s gone wrong and it’s our fault. Please try again.
Failed to decrypt the requestAn request for a license was signed w/ an invalid keyInvalid API Key. Please try re-entering your credentials. If that doesn't work, email
Duplicate license requestThe user requested a license on a machine where one already exists - "A license is already issued to ${u.username} for ${r.hardwareId}"A Cycle license is already issued for {r.hardwareId}.
Could not obtain an overflow license typeThis would be a config error - user should not see thisLicense is not available.
No matching product version foundThis would be a config error - could not find a matching license module version w/ a valid private keyCycle version could not be found.
User Authentication RequiredThe license module could not find a valid API keyAPI Key not found. Please re-enter your credentials. If that doesn't work, email
NoAvailableLicenseExceptionNo license is availableNo license is available.
NoAvailableUpgradeExceptionNo upgrade is available - they are using the latestSweet! You've already got the latest version of Cycle.
ExpiredLicenseExceptionThe license is expiredN/A
Unhandle exceptionSomething unexpected happenedWell, this is embarrassing. Something’s gone wrong and it’s our fault. Please try again.
Password Resets - Could not send email"Could not send email" when requesting the resetEmail could not be sent. Please try again.
Password Resets - User has no email defined"$username has no email address"$Username has no email address.
Couldn't find the file to download on the server"The file you requested is not available"The file you requested is not available.
Any exception not covered abovePlease email